The magical story of a Nutella cocoa beanA story by Lucia Margherita Marino Taken from the book La grammatica del cioccolato e del cacao (Gribaudo) by Clara and Gigi PadovaniRiccardo conti - percussionTasting in collaboration with the Ugetti confectionery.The history of chocolate begins with Quetzalcoatl, an Aztec deity who, according to legend, gave mankind the cacao tree.To all of us, chocolate provides a magical answer to life's questions in the form of cubes, flakes and drops. This show, accompanied by a mouth-watering tasting, stems from the latest book by Clara and Gigi Padovani, who start from that myth to narrate the seduction of chocolate over the centuries: from the European Courts to Nutella©, which will be sixty years old in 2024. Sunday 20 April 202521:00 | Palazzo delle Feste Online ticket office € 10 + commissionTicket Office - Palazzo delle Feste € 12 + € 1 booking fee Free admission: children uder 6